Environmental Education is a need

June 1972, attending to United Nations conference, the search for the improvement of the relationship between human beings and their natural environment was started, it was evident  the need  of adopting mechanisms for environmental education provided to all kind of people regarding educational, social and / or economic level, each person would be the protagonist in this new work, we would be linked to the control of our environment “el programa de la UNESCO ha abarcado siempre actividades de formación e investigación relacionadas con el medio ambiente, a causa de la importancia cada vez mayor que se atribuye al factor humano para la conservación del equilibrio del medio en la relación entre el hombre y su medio ambiente”. The beginning was not, and even today is not far at all, the initial point was in front of each, in their daily life, making it easier to start not only for the boosters of the project but for the people beneficiaries of that.                                                                     .

The relationship between man and the environment drives the group of members of UNESCO to create new possibilities for research that promotes a better relationship between humans and their natural milieu, its provenance; thus, the project of environmental education is a light breaking through the growth of environmental awareness: giving knowledge about what would be the best way  to use the resources that nature provides us, considering short and long term goals. Besides of being a creative source of ecological, environmental, social habits,  it is an option  which everyone  without any distinction can access to, since it was established for people for all the levels.  Environmental education would become almost a duty, not only academic but also personal.                                            .

The environment is man‘s  life us such, being a pillar to strengthen our time on earth, the natural environment becomes the most successful scientific foundation to reach even  the growth of time we will be here. Convinced of the dependence that man has on nature and its resources, each human sphere including academic, anthropologic and  social, should be included in the international environmental education project, thus the plan has a total coverage for all levels, from the lower ones, until university education “empresas de carácter interdisciplinario , encaminadas a mejorar la calidad del medio humano en su totalidad, y requieren una aportación creciente y decisiva de las ciencias sociales, las ciencias humanas, la cultura, la educación y la comunicación, así como una estrecha coordinación de todas las actividades”.                  .


In addition, covering all levels of education and all social strata, this environmental education should be applied not only from the area of natural sciences, but all areas should be or have within their syllabus a kind of enrichment of environmental knowledge. Because of that need, several education projects were born to be applied to each area since the field of Natural sciences as such, through the social sciences and covering even the communicative fields, in which any person would see any kind of interest on environmental education. Even more important, university education would also be linked to environmental education in a more conscious way to take care of  the natural environment, we also know the importance of research at this level, and we could support our research projects on the wide range of possibilities that the environment gives us, and the answers to those plans are not in books but in front of each one of us in our daily lives, and among what we consider  the simple things, offering guarantees not only for our own knowledge, but extending others ideas of milieu who directly or indirectly at the end will benefit with whatever the research results be                                                .

Thus, the agreement would be signed in which the main goal  or objective would be the conservation of the resources provided by Mother Nature and the enrichment of the human knowledge of tools and outputs in order to strengthen its relationship with the environment .                          
Rosa Elena Celis Cardona

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